Surreal acrylic painting of the Úvaly viaduct with colored water, dark arches, and greenery on rocky outcrops.

Úvaly Viadukt Painting: Flowing Pathways

This surreal artwork reimagines the well-known Úvaly viaduct. Instead of the regular asphalt walkway, I used a stream of colorful water. The water flows beneath a lone figure and transforms into a river. This change represents how time and life are always in motion. The viaduct’s dark arches reflect in the water, creating a calm yet deep atmosphere. The painting invites viewers to pause and reflect on this transformation.

In addition, greenery grows from rocky outcrops instead of the usual grass and trees. This gives the scene a dreamlike, otherworldly feel. Through my Úvaly Viadukt Painting, I wanted to show both the beauty of the viaduct and the deeper meaning beneath it.

The Inspiration Behind Flowing Pathways

The recent severe floods in parts of the Czech Republic and neighboring countries added new meaning to this painting. Although our region and the Úvaly viaduct were spared, the destruction in other areas serves as a reminder of nature’s power. The water in the painting, once a gentle symbol of change, also reflects the overwhelming strength of nature. However, the viaduct stands strong over the flowing water, just as we remain hopeful in tough times.

My Artistic Process

I used acrylic paints on a 120×40 cm canvas to bring this vision to life. Acrylics are perfect for vibrant colors and layering, which helped me capture the reflections in the water. The dark tones of the viaduct arches contrast with the bright water and greenery. This balance reflects how reality and imagination can blend together. Ultimately, the piece shows that even strong, familiar structures can change, much like life itself.

Explore More of My Art

If you’d like to see more of my work, including colorful acrylic paintings and simple, lively sketches, visit my art gallery. Each piece offers a glimpse into my artistic journey, from detailed paintings to sketches that capture the moment.

Learn More About the Úvaly Viaduct

Interested in the history behind the Úvaly viaduct? You can find more details about its significance here.